
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Shabby Chic

Talk about trying on new shoes.

This is my attempt at Shabby Chic.

Be sweet and kind, ok? ;)

I was TERRIFIED....but took a deep breath and dove right in.

I DID enjoy the sanding and sponging...that was fun.

I think I found the right sanding technique that didn't RIP the paper apart.

I also got to bring out my pretty dies.

These challenges helped me take the shabby plunge:

Speedy the Cat's-Use Lace

Thanks for being sweet and stopping by. ;)

JustRite Thinking of You, JustRite You're So Sweet,Martha Stewart ink, Spellbinders Label Four, Spellbinders Fleur De Lis Pendant die, Tim Holtz Distress ink tea dye,S.E.I. Dill Blossom DP,Martha Stewart Border punch,Copic and Zig Writer


  1. What a beautiful card. I love all the elements. Thanks for playing along with Speedy the Cat's Friends challenge this week. Hope to see you again next week.

  2. OHHHH! What a beautiful card--I LOOOVE that you stepped out of your comfort zone and tried shabby chic! You did a fab job--and I LOVE your inking/sponging/sanding! Beautiful card!!! Great take on all challenge--LOVE:) Thanks for playing along with us and joining in the fun over at the PDCC:)

  3. It's so pretty Marlena! Good job trying something outside your comfort zone:)

  4. Marlene with every step we take trying something new we grow! This is just fabulous. I love you lace and pretty die cuts. You shabby chic attempt is a success. Keep on "Chic-ing" it girlfriend especially if you enjoy the sanding and sponging. Always have fun!! Thanks so much for playing with us at Speedy the Cat's Friends challenge. It was a pleasure to come to visit and I really enjoyed what I saw!

    Bear Hugs,

  5. You did a great job with shabby chic! The colors and lace are perfect! I find shabby chic difficult as I am a CAS card maker. Your card is beautiful! Thanks for playing with Speedy's Friends (and thanks for commenting on my blog - it is much appreciated!)

  6. Wow--for your first attempt at shabby chic your certainly did a wonderfully beautiful job! This is really really pretty. Thanks for playing along with us this week at Speedy the Cat's Friends challenge.

  7. What can I say's shabby and it's chic!!! GREAT JOB!!!

  8. OMG! What a gorgeous card! Love it. Thanks for playing at the Play Date Cafe! :)

  9. Oops! Forgot to say thanks for playing with Speedy's Friends, and thanks so much for playing in my last week at MFP!!! Hugs, Colleen

  10. Yay for stepping out of your comfort zone! Love what you did here, I'm especially digging that chain and pearl, love it :) Thanks for playing this week at the Play Date Cafe!

  11. Ever so pretty, Marlena! LOVE all those gorgeous layers and scrumptious, little elements! Beautiful take on the color story! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!

  12. Hi Marlena! You've got such great layering and cohesion of elements on this card. Love that bit of flowers with the button. Thank you so much for playing along at The Play Date Cafe.


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