
Friday, August 26, 2011

Jolly Friends

I'm using neglected items from my stash, aren't you proud?

I've had this sentiment sticker forever (and someone else had it before me).

That's one neglected sticker.

I've also had these papers for a few years and they were secondhand.

For the flower, I punched two 2" circles; cut around them with fringe scissors; embossed them with Ultra thick embossing enamel; and slit them to the center.  
Then I created a "center" for my flower with embroidery floss.

The background was inked with Versamark and white embossed.

Oh, and I unwound some circular office clips to create a bit of greenery.

Here are the inspiring challenges today:

~JAI 82 is encouraging you to use up your stash.

Thankyou for stopping in. ;)

Hero Arts/Basic Grey Lauderdale Floral stamp, Versamark ink, Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel,Kid's Jewelry Friendship Thread, misc. sticker, Martha Stewart fringe Scissors


  1. What a great card!
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  2. How fun, Marlena! glad you could use some neglected items. Thanks for joining us this week at the ColourQ.

  3. Wow, love this non-traditional holiday card! The colors are great, the design is great, and kudos to you for using up old stash! Thanks for playing over at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. Love the unusual style for a Christmas card! Very clever, Girlie!!

  5. I love this non-traditional holiday card! So cute! And a cool flower! Thanks for playing along at CAS-ual fridays!

  6. Awesome card! I LOVE to see you using up that old sticker, and so beautifully, too! Thanks for playing with us at CQC this week, I always love to see what you come up with :)

  7. Great job using up some of your stash--I'm inspired! Love how you made the "greenery" with office clips. So clever! Thanks for joining us this week at the ColourQ!

  8. Lol at the neglected sticker! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at Just Add Ink and giving that poor neglected sticker a use!


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