
Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Throwdown, a Dare, and a Recycled Tag!

I love when I can recycle a die cut.  

  I even got a little bold with colors and patterned paper!

Well, bold for me, anyway. ;)

It's a blessing to be able to laugh. ;)

An even bigger blessing to be truly joyful.

Is there joy in your life today?

I pray there is.  If not, I pray there will be. ;)  

Take care, God bless you.


~Stamping in Time #39 Use something recycled from your stash (I recycled the tag that didn't work for another project).

Info: ODBD Scripture Collection 6 stamp, Sizzix Scallop Die Cut recycled, Sizzix Phrase Laugh die cut, SEI Dill Blossom DP, misc DP (green patterned paper), Memento Ink


  1. This is so fun! Love that pullout scripture tag!

  2. This is so fun! The colors, layout, tag, and sentiment all made me grin. Great job!

  3. I love interactive cards like this. And I love the sentiment on your tag. We would all be better off if we would laugh more often.

    Great card.

  4. What a lovely card, Marlena...I love that beautiful combination of colors and the awesome tag feature! The sentiment is perfect on it! Great job on the challenge!

  5. Marlena, this is fantastic! Great colors, pocket with tag styling, and recycling! Thanks so much for playing ODBD Stamping In Time!


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