
Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Little Cheesy, but Definitely Refreshing!

Casual Fridays CFC#5 sketch was exciting to me.


Because I get to use my ORANGES!!!!  Hee gotta see these cuties:

Aren't they yummmmmm? 

ORANGE you glad I introduced you to them?!!!

ORANGE you glad you can find them at Walmart inexpensively?

ORANGE you glad they have other notepads like apples and I think bananas?

ORANGE you glad I am going to stop now????  ;)

THANKS FOR BEARING WITH ME. ;)  or PEARING with me...I gotta see if they have those!!!

Take care now. ;)

Recipe: Oranges from a notepad, JustRite Curlz Font, Clear Stamps School Girl for the flowers, Versamark, black embossing powder, Staz On ink


  1. Hi Marlena, I love love love oranges! Your use of the image and vellum are superb! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  2. Love this card, great play on the sketch, so 'refreshingly' different and a great 'orange'ment of oranges in the bowl. hehe:)
    Jenny x

  3. Cute post and cute card! I really like your version of the sketch, so fun! Thank you for sharing your talent with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. Hee hee! I always love punny things! If we e-lemon-ated them, where would we be as a civilization?!

  5. LOL, I Love that one! E-LEMON-ATED ;)

  6. This is just too cute! I love thiose oranges! Thanks for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays!

  7. Lol very fun & funny, Marlena! Creative take on the sketch!

  8. What a cool card & great take on m sketch!
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  9. Those oranges look delicious! Cute take on the sketch.

  10. Hahahaha! You're so punny!! LOL Super cute - can't believe those are notepads - they look so real!! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays! Looking forward to seeing more of your super fun work in future challenges!

  11. Ack! This is soooo cute! Love the oranges, so wish I could eat them, but alas they give me heartburn lol Great take on the sketch, love the bright colors :) Thanks for playing this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  12. Funny - love the oranges in the bowl idea. Thank you for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays this week.


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