
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gateway to Weave and Some Shimmer

    Look at Color Throwdown #142's lovely colors!

Here is my card's front flap:

     I had wanted to make something weaved for some time now.  I used MS Fringe Scissors to make even strips.  I only separated the grey strips, but left the black intact so that it would hold together as I weaved.  I cut it out with a Marvy circle punch.  That was scary...wondering if it would all fall apart.

Here is a closeup of the "weaved" circle I made. 
    I modgepodged it on both sides to keep it stable.   It gave it a nice, malleable feel.  Then I sprayed it with my homemade shimmer! This is my second Papertrey MIM #15 card which calls for making your own spray mist.  My first card used black flowers as a mask...but I wanted to use the flowers themselves. 
I don't know the technical name for this kind of card, but let's just call it a gateway card.

Here is the second layer with shimmered flowers:

     See that sentiment?  I was able to use my Spellbinders Labels Eleven Die so generously gifted to me by Want2Scrap.  I had won their first blog hop, can you believe it?  Heidi was kind enough to let me know I had won!  It came just in time, too, today, when I was ready to cut that sentiment out. How cool is that?  I will let you know when I use that beautiful bling they sent also.

Thank you for stopping in!  I appreciate it. :)

All that was used in this card:
Hero Arts sentiment, Sizzix Dogwood flower die, corrugator, Versamark Ink, black embossing powder, homemade shimmer (Adirondack expresso and perfect pearls), MS background stamp, MS border punch, MS fringe scissors, Spellbinders Labels Eleven, Scor-Pal, Brilliance Platinum Planet Ink


  1. I love this! Your weaving is terrific!

  2. Hi Marlena,thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. You've been a busy girl! And you've done a great job. I think I would have been nervous with that cirle punch too!!!

  3. Beautiful design! What great techniques! Thanks for joining us for the Color Throwdown!


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