
Saturday, April 30, 2011

When I Grow Up

  When I grow up, I want to be an artist.  I would love to sketch anything my imagination comes up with.  Um, it may take awhile to grow up.  However, I CAN stamp anything that comes near to what my drawings WOULD have looked like, had I the gift.  I love this look...

  The sketchy, artsy style of the stamp is so beautiful, AND it balances out my dirty fingers.  In fact, smudges almost add to the free, messy interpretation of the dancer. However, it is hard to justify if the marks are too far from the image, like on the bottom of the card.  I have learned to improvise for my weaknesses (my husband calls it "smoke and mirrors" :) ). I smudge the card edges with ink. 
   I found a fruitful challenge. One Layer Wednesday's OLW51, is to stamp three-of-a-kind cards.  Change the ink color, cardstock color, or the sentiment, but you have to use the same stamps.  This is perfect for me...I need cards for my daughter's three ballet teachers.     

Stamps: SU!, Will'n Way (squiggly line)
Ink: Memento Sweet Plum, MS Wasabi and Sea Lavender
Other: Georgia Pacific Cardstock

Thank you for peeking in. :)


  1. Love the stamp, so pretty in all those different colours :)

  2. A very pretty stamp...such a delicate and pretty card! Makes a great card no matter what color you use. The teachers will love the cards!

  3. A very pretty stamp that looks lovely in all the colours!

    Great job on the challenge and thanks for playing along with OLW51!


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