
Friday, April 22, 2011

What Am I Doing?

  Maybe this is how the blogging journey begins, with one step.  As with everything in my life that I have experienced so far, my first question is, "What am I doing?".  I have hidden under a rock and barely poked my head in FB. Now, here I am, starting a blog? 
  I posted one card online and now I am hooked.  I love seeing my crafty thingies online.  I also love seeing my pics online. It is addictive.  I am not intending to sound narcissistic, there is a little more to it than that, I hope.  I have really been blessed by all the lovely blogs out there that give advice and share ideas.  I hope this will one day be a blessing to someone else.  I would be happy to just direct you to some wonderful crafters and companies out there! I could be a bridge of sorts to some awesome blogs. :)
   Meanwhile, this is Abby, she is Amanda's rat. Amanda is my youngest. I know, you're thinking "Rat?!". That is a story for another time. Anyway, my young photographer/daughter Mallory took this pic in our mini studio, and I feel it is the look on my face right now.

Hello world!

1 comment:

  1. Marlena, loved your comment on my blog! I'm so glad that you started your blog! Thanks for playing along with my Blogaversary Celebration!


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