
Monday, April 25, 2011

Grunge CD Card

  Hello fellow stampers.  I am really excited about my card today.  It is MASCULINE.  You all know how hard it is to make masculine cards.  Maybe it is just me.  I am from a long, long line of girl families.  My grandmother was one of 4 girls; my mother was the oldest of 3 girls; I am the oldest of three girls and I have three girls.  So, hopefully you can understand that if I create anything that would appeal to a boy, I am thrilled. :)
 My teen nephew has a birthday coming up and I just got this month's PTI releases of Grunge Me and Game On sets TODAY in the mail to create his card. 
What do you think?
It is a CD card.
   I cut the black circle for the cd with a Fiskars Circle cutter.  I resized the cutter and cut a smaller circle of green.  The centers were cut out with a Spellbinder's circle (smaller for the black and bigger for the green).
  What I love most about these stamps and grungy look....mistakes are welcome!!!
I am allllll about mistakes!!!  See that black embossing powder?

I am linking this to Papertrey's April Bloghop.  I hope you like my project!  Thanks for stopping by :).


  1. Oh, this is so awesome! I love it! Very creative.

  2. oh my! i thought it was a real CD! i just love it. great job and i think any teen boy would just love it (not that they would say it).

  3. Very cool!
    A perfect gift for a teen guy!

  4. This is so creative. Sometimes a new card shape can give such a unique twist to a card and stamp set. Love the way you've used the stamps in black ink on the green background. Very cool.

  5. this is so cool! so clever and it turned out perfectly!!

  6. Oh, this is a great idea! Love it!

  7. my boys would LOVE this card! Great job (from the only girl in a house full of boys :) Hugs~
    PS: Congrats on your new blog ;)

  8. Wow! Totally mind blowing! I love your innovative take on this card. Beyond awesome and exceedingly inspiring! Can't wait to see more.

  9. So cool! Utterly unique and creative :)

  10. How incredibly innovative! This is a perfect car for a teenage boy, and I thought your addition of the embossing powder "spill" was a perfect detail!

  11. Very cool card!! Your teen nephew will love it! Awesome idea to make it look like a CD!

  12. Wow, yes I absolutely DO love this! What a great idea!

  13. This is great,perfect for a guy .looks store bought.

  14. Awesome!!!! This is a fantastic card in design and color. Just perfect!

  15. Neat! For a minute, I thought you'd stamped on an actual CD. This is fun and I hope your nephew thinks it's awesome!

  16. What a fun idea for a teenage boy card! The colors and the grunge stamps are just fabulous. I bet he'll love it.

  17. How cool is this ! hope you'll drop by for my blog giveaway

  18. This is super cool!! I need to use your ideal,I think it would make an awesome graduation invitation for my son. Did you put the card in a real cd case?

  19. The cd case IS the card. :) The front of the case is the front of the card. The "CD" is the inside of the card. My husband almost tore that paper out, thinking it was a real CD. LOL.
    It WOULD make an awesome invitation! If you post the pics on your blog...make sure and link back to this post; I would appreciate it! Let me know if you do, I would love to see what you came up with. :)


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